If you truly want to be in good health and are willing to do what is necessary based on a proven testing method, contact us for an evaluation of your specific needs.
Step 1 - Assure an Alkaline Body pH
The first goal on the way to great health is to assure that the body's pH is in an ideal alkaline range. This range is achieved by having a consistent first morning and evening urine pH between 6.4 - 7.0. Almost all ongoing health issues occur in a body that has become acidic due to the gradual depletion of its mineral reserves. Some people have so depleted their mineral stores, the body must make ammonia on an emergency basis to buffer the urine.
Step 2 - Support Hormone Balance
The hormone system of the body is a complex, interactive symphony of different regulating compounds. These hormones are internal messengers which are necessary to control and regulate the body's processes. Since chronic illness typically leads to hormonal exhaustion, the next step is to identify the endocrine glands needing more support, enabling them to produce a sufficient amount of their hormones. Hormone deficiency can lead to global body symptoms related to sleep, the bowels, fatigue, the inability to exercise and can negatively influence literally any organ or gland in the body.
Step 3 - Detoxify the Body
(a) Identify current toxic body burden and begin appropriate detoxification protocols.
(b) Identify and eliminate home and environmental sources of toxic body burden.
(c) Repolarize the body's biofield to eliminate stored emotional embeds which may be suppressing the body's immune system.
(d) Identify and eliminate compressed bio-field encoding and recommend body defense measures (such as wearing a tektite).
Step 4 - Address Immune-Specific Issues
Identifiy targeted immune nutraceautical formulas, often used concurrently with detoxification protocols.
Step 5 - Rejuvenate the Body's System
Embark upon whole-body rejuvenation at the cellular level by using key nutraceutical formulas chosen for their abilitiy to nourish the cellular matrix and perform comprehensive DNA rejuvenation.
Step 1 - Assure an Alkaline Body pH
The first goal on the way to great health is to assure that the body's pH is in an ideal alkaline range. This range is achieved by having a consistent first morning and evening urine pH between 6.4 - 7.0. Almost all ongoing health issues occur in a body that has become acidic due to the gradual depletion of its mineral reserves. Some people have so depleted their mineral stores, the body must make ammonia on an emergency basis to buffer the urine.
Step 2 - Support Hormone Balance
The hormone system of the body is a complex, interactive symphony of different regulating compounds. These hormones are internal messengers which are necessary to control and regulate the body's processes. Since chronic illness typically leads to hormonal exhaustion, the next step is to identify the endocrine glands needing more support, enabling them to produce a sufficient amount of their hormones. Hormone deficiency can lead to global body symptoms related to sleep, the bowels, fatigue, the inability to exercise and can negatively influence literally any organ or gland in the body.
Step 3 - Detoxify the Body
(a) Identify current toxic body burden and begin appropriate detoxification protocols.
(b) Identify and eliminate home and environmental sources of toxic body burden.
(c) Repolarize the body's biofield to eliminate stored emotional embeds which may be suppressing the body's immune system.
(d) Identify and eliminate compressed bio-field encoding and recommend body defense measures (such as wearing a tektite).
Step 4 - Address Immune-Specific Issues
Identifiy targeted immune nutraceautical formulas, often used concurrently with detoxification protocols.
Step 5 - Rejuvenate the Body's System
Embark upon whole-body rejuvenation at the cellular level by using key nutraceutical formulas chosen for their abilitiy to nourish the cellular matrix and perform comprehensive DNA rejuvenation.